


Apex wheels logo

Auto racing’s seen an explosion of flimsy “fashion wheel” brands that pretend to be high-performance. Apex is different — engineering elite racing wheels at an unmatched price point. But when we met them, customers were completely unaware of the difference. Working closely with their CEO, Eddy Pintacsi, we developed a new category vision and brand, positioning them as the category leader they are, and injecting some much-needed truth into the wheel industry.

We started by naming the problem that Apex solves, calling it The Great Knowledge Void. A state of play where any wheel brand can make performance claims — true or not — just to make a buck. And the worst part? Customers have no way to know the difference. We went on to tell a story of how Apex is fixing this problem with their core ethos: “Real performance.” A pledge to show customers the truth — or die trying. End of story.

Apex wheels poster design

The identity is loud and urgent. To stop people from buying bogus wheels. The arching curves and high-contrast colors catch the eyes on the track — where it matters. And we worked with Apex to weave the same sense of urgency into how they talk about their testing standards. So that the entire industry would get with the program.

Altogether, the rebrand, POV, and messaging proves that Apex stands alone in its category. We call this a “Category of One” brand. Because when you risk everything on the track, there’s only one thing you can trust — Real Performance.

Apex logo
Apex wheels garage signage

Apex business card design
Apex type design

Apex wheels posters

Apex wheels poster design
Apex logo on t-shirt

Apex wheels on car

Apex wheels visual identity

Apex wheels logo
Herbus typeface design

Apex wheels website design

Apex wheels app
Apex wheels center cap logo

Apex identity design
Apex identity poster design
Apex wheels
Apex wheels
Apex wheels poster design

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